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Basket List - Yet Another Grocery App

I’m really excited to release my 3rd App Basket List on Play Store. Basket List is an app to help you and your family to create and share grocery shopping lists in your day to day life.

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How to Deploy Static Website on Openshift Using Nodejs

OpenShift is one of the best cloud servers available for free. You can easily deploy a static website using the PHP catridge, however the default page should be index.

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TimeToGo v1.0.0

I’m releasing TimeToGo v1.0.0 class which converts a future date to ‘time to go’ format. My goal was to develop a class with no dependencies.

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Sayselfie - A voice controlled selfie app

I published SaySelfie app today on the Google Play store, so decided to blog about it. What is a selfie? A selfie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone and usually shared on social networking sites.

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How to select and share text with intents in android

Selecting text from a textview and Sharing via Intents are two different things. There are many tutorials on the web, but very few of them explain to select and share text via Intents together.

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Setup Microsoft Outlook custom domain for free email hosting

I used Dreamhost shared hosting which gave me free custom Gmail hosting. Since, Dreamhost was costlier than other cloud hosting providers, I decided to use AWS.