Nitesh Morajkar
Nitesh Morajkar

  May 24, 2015   2 min read

Basket List - Yet Another Grocery App

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I’m really excited to release my 3rd App Basket List on Play Store. Basket List is an app to help you and your family to create and share grocery shopping lists in your day to day life. Whenever I face issues in my day to day life, I make an app to solve the problem.

My parents usually buy groceries and other stuff once in a month. One day I saw them making a list of all items before going to the Super market. I asked them if they make this list every month. And the answer was Positive. They said that they add a tickmark whenever they add a new item in the basket. Hence, they have to make a new list every time they buy Groceries.

I told that there are many apps on Play store and downloaded an app for them. Few days later, I found them making a new list again. I asked Why were they not using the app. And the answer was They don’t understand How to use the app. I tried to use the same app and found the Usability of app to be bad.

I decided to make an android app to solve this problem which focuses on Usability and Simplicity. Another problem of all these apps was that they displayed the grocery items in English. Lot of times, we remember the Grocery items in our language/mother tongue. I decided to add translations in Hindi, Telugu and Kannada for every item.

The main problem was data collection. I really had a tough time collecting Grocery items list and their translations. No developer likes to work on data gathering(There are always few exceptions).

After data collection was done, next step was to develop mocks. I’m not the best designer. I decided to use native design features of android. I listed all good and bad things from the other apps.

Now it was time to code(My favourite part). I used to code Day/Night on weekends.

So here are the features of Basket list.

  1. More than 450 items.
  2. All items are categorized.
  3. Make different Grocery lists.
  4. You can share these list with anyone.
  5. Each item is translated in English, Telugu, Hindi and Kannada.

You can download the app here.