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How to point a domain to amazon web services ec2

Once you have configured your Amazon web server, you need to point a domain to it. Here are the steps to configure: 1. Create an Elastic IP: Elastic IP is the public IP address of your Amazon Instance.

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Store sessions in redis instead of files

Sessions are very useful to store information for specific time. In PHP, by default sessions are stored in files. However, what if you have a distributed architecture where a request can directed to any server node?

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How to install a python module

Python doesn’t provide all the modules by default. You can install a python module as explained: Now we have installed Setup tools. So, let us install required module.

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Git - How to retrieve deleted files

I was working on a particular task for a project in my master branch. I made some changes to file demo.php. I wanted to revert the changes, so i deleted the file(rm -fr demo.

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Git - How to setup a git remote repository

There are lots of search results on “How to setup a remote Git repository” on google. However, it’s really tough to find proper link. Hence, I read couple of blogs on this article andnoted down key steps on this article.

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Importance of templating engine

{% img center %} I worked as freelance web developer back in 2009-2010. I had just started learning PHP. I usually mixed my PHP code with the HTML code.