Nitesh Morajkar
Nitesh Morajkar

  Sep 29, 2012   3 min read

JS-CSS minifier using yui compressor and python

A thumbnail image

While uploading minified JS and CSS files to web server, i had to minify individual files and then upload them to web server. So, I wrote a Python script which takes multiple JS and CSS files as arguments on command line and saves them in folder. I upload this folder which contains minified JS-CSS files on webserver.

Usage: Step 1: Replace yui-compressor path

Usage python [options...]

-f --fileStack : Js and css files(comma separated) with absolute path eg: /home/demo/st.js,/home/demo/ss.css
-o --outputDir : Output directory where files are to be stored
-h --help : Display help contents\n
#!/usr/bin/env python

# This class is used to minify JS and CSS files. 
# @author Nitesh Morajkar

import getopt, sys, string, re, os

# Prints Usage of this script
def Usage():
    print """Usage python filename [options...]
-f --fileStack : Js and css files(comma separated) with absolute path eg: /home/demo/st.js,/home/demo/ss.css
-o --outputDir : Output directory where files are to be stored
-h --help      : Display help contents\n"""

# Gets command line arguments
class GetArguments:

    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

    def GetArgs(self):
            self.options, remainder = getopt.getopt(self.args, 'f⭕h', ['fileStack=', 'outputDir=', 'help'])
        if len(self.options) == 0:
            return self.parseArgs()
        except getopt.GetoptError:

    def parseArgs(self):
        for opt, arg in self.options:
            if opt in ('-f', '--fileStack'):
                fileStack = arg
            elif opt in ('-o', '--outputDir'):
                outputDir = arg
            elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):

        return {'fileStack': fileStack, 'outputDir': outputDir}

# Validates command line arguments
class ValidateArguments:

    def __init__(self, argsList):
        self.argsList = argsList

    def validateArgs(self):
        list = self.argsList
        if list['fileStack'] == '' or list['outputDir'] == '':
            return 0
        return 1
    # Validates file names
    def validateFiles(self, fileList):
        for files in fileList:
            files = string.strip(files)
            if files != '':
                if re.match('([A-Za-z0-9.-_/:])+\.(js|css)$', files) == None:
                    print "Invalid filename '" + files + "'"
            if self.checkFileExists(files) == 0:
                print "Invalid file path '"+ files + "'"
        return 1
    # Checks if file exists
    def checkFileExists(self, fileName):
        return os.path.isfile(fileName)
    # Checks if directory exists
    def checkDirExists(self):
        return os.path.exists(self.argsList['outputDir'])

# Minifies JS and CSS scripts
class Minify:
    def __init__(self, filesList, outputDir):
        self.filesList = filesList
        self.outputDir = outputDir
        self.yuiCompressorPath = "C:/css-js-minifier/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"
    # Compress JS and CSS files
    def compress(self, fileName):
        print "Minifying " + fileName + "...\n"
        jsCssFlag = self.getJsCssFlag(fileName)
        file = self.getFileName(fileName)
        opFile = re.sub("(/+)", "/", self.outputDir + "/" + file)
        cmd = "java -jar \"" + self.yuiCompressorPath + "\" \"" + fileName + "\" --type \"" + jsCssFlag + "\" -o \"" + opFile + "\""
        #print cmd + "\n"
        op = os.popen(cmd)
        print "Minified " + fileName + "\n"
    def getJsCssFlag(self, fileName):
        if'([A-Za-z0-9.-_/:])+\.js$', fileName):
            return "js"
        elif'([A-Za-z0-9.-_/:])+\.css$', fileName):
            return 'css'
    # triggers Compress
    def minify(self):
        for files in self.filesList:
    def getFileName(self, file):
        startIndex = file.rfind("/")
        length = len(file)
        if startIndex != -1:
            return file[startIndex:length]
            return file

argv = sys.argv[1:]
getArgsObj = GetArguments(argv)
ArgumentList = getArgsObj.GetArgs()

validateArgsObj = ValidateArguments(ArgumentList)

if validateArgsObj.validateArgs():
    filesList = string.split(ArgumentList['fileStack'], ',')
    if validateArgsObj.validateFiles(filesList):
        minifyObj = Minify(filesList, ArgumentList['outputDir'])
        print Usage()